Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chapter 2: The Ta'aruf Program


Assalamualaikum! The Ta'aruf Programme has last for like 5 days and even I'm quite exhausted with it, but it's really enjoyable. Why? Here's the story that I would tell you in this post namely Chapter 2: The Ta'aruf Programme.

This programme was started with the registration day which managed by the Registration Bureau committee with collaboration with the Examination Bureau (which I'm one of the committee in this bureau). The registration day was the busiest day for us, the committee, even I'm not in the registration unit, I can see the tiredness feels in my friends which helping in making the registration to be successful. Alhamdulillah, the three days of registration can be managed and finished successfully with the collaboration of all bureaus such as the Security and Transportation (SENTRA), Residential, Discipline and Welfare (RDW), Registration, Preparation and Technical (PREP & TECH), Examination (TRI-X) and all the bureaus which have contributed their full and maximum efforts in making the registration days to be run smoothly. 

On the registration days, I help my friend from RDW in showing directions to the new students. I really glad that I can do that for the juniors. It really does makes and teach me how to communicate with others. This is because, before this, I'm quite "less talking" with someone I don't really know and to someone that I just knew. But, this programme has more or less teach me about those skills, which I feel one of valuable experience in my life. When I see their face and their feel of exciting to be in CFS IIUM really made me to remember my first day in CFS. I can also feel and see the excited feeling of their parents for their children which has succeed to continue their study to higher-level education institution. Even, there are some what I called "nightmares" like the complaints and the parents which quite feel unsatisfied with the residential college that their children will live for the whole study year, I just accepted it with open heart. As I know, they just want the best for their children that's is why they complaining about this and that. But, it's good to receive feedback and complaint as it will make us to make thing much better after this. Apart from that, I still can here many parents voices which compliments and feels really happy with their children on that day and this more or less makes the committees and I to feel happy too with that.

The most challenging work that I ever done through out the programme is to assign the exam venue for the new students. As I said before, I'm in the Exam Bureau and this bureau will be handling all the exam that the students will take (EPT, APT, FKT, TEnT). Therefore, assigning the venue is quite a hard process. Can you imagine, we have to assign the venue accordingly to about many thousand students and well on that last day before those exam, we all the committee members have to finish all the assigning process and alhamdulillah we managed to finish up the list. On the exam day, the committee was tested with one more problem. Some of the student did not have their venue and some of them forgot about it. However, alhamdulillah we manage to control and in the same time help the students to sit for their exams accordingly what we have planned.

Even though all the work seems hard and for some people, it's quite impossible, Examination has proved that with a strong teamwork and cooperation spirit, we managed to face problems and run the exam smoothly. Credit also goes to the Registration Bureau which act as the minor bureau that cooperated with us on the exams day. With their back-up and help, we the Exam Bureau managed to run this event properly and smoothly. Alhamdulillah wa shukran jazilan kasiran! :)

Although, the work, the responsibilities that were given to us (which making sure the new students taking the exams that will determine their study period) was so heavy and big, but with the cooperation spirit and strong teamwork we manage to finish this exam. Other than that, I'm really glad and happy that I can get to know many people and work with new community rather than that I used to. Last but not least, I really like to express that I'm really enjoy this Ta'aruf Programme as it provide me with many experience which I might not get it from anywhere else.

So, to my juniors, I wish you all the best in those exams and get ready for the TEnT that will be on tomorrow morning and on Friday. All the best and good luck and put your best effort to be exempted in those exams especially the EPT and APT exams. You can do it, insya allah. Ma'a Taufiq Wan Najah fil Imtihan! Wasalam.


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